This week has been slow and I haven't done anything grand or exciting. The weather here in Nagoya has been pretty bad lately and for a few days it was raining. Now it's just cloudy and REALLY humid. According to the news, the rainy season has passed 15 days earlier than expected. Anyway, the whole week I chilled with my mom. During the weekend, I help out with my grandmother. At home, my mother and I tried to clean up because it is SOOO messy and there's just so many stuff. Literally, it's taking us a long time and I'm starting to think I won't have time to find a job. D:
What else has happened...? I have also gotten a cell phone in Japan, which was cheap. My mother is already part of a plan in Japan with Softbank, so we were able to get an extra line barely without any cost! It's not a smartphone, but rather a regular white flip phone. Unlike the cell phones in America, it seems a lot better since it has a music/movie player and a REALLY good quality camera. Although it's not a smartphone, I'm fine with it! It's not like I'm going to be here forever! :P
Next week I'll be going to Osaka to visit Kansai Gaidai University and to meet up with a family friend. I'll write about it and put a lot of pictures! ^.^
Until next time, sayonara~!
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