The next day, Seiji-san taught another class and did a workshop at a different location. Although my mother did not take the class, we later met up with him after at 10pm in Nagoya. Along with Misato-san, Seiji-san, and four other people, we all went to an izakaya, which is basically a restaurant that serves food with sake/alcoholic drinks. The izakaya we went to was called Gomitori and it was in Sakae, a popular shopping area. I did not drink anything, but I ate some REALLY good food. I had some famous Nagoya specialty food including miso katsu (pork cultlet with miso sauce) and tebasaki (chicken wing). I also ate some really good sashimi and other Japanese food. My mother and her friends had a lot of drinks (including beer and sake), and we all talked until 3 am in the morning. After leaving the restaurant, Seiji-san wanted to have some more drinks, so we went to another restaurant type place. However, we made a wrong choice and picked a restaurant that does not particularly specialize in drinking (instead it was just a 24 hour restaurant -.-''). We were told that each person had to order a dish (not including drinks) even though we were full. Reluctantly, we all did (including beer for Seiji-san) and stayed 'till 4am. After, we all finally parted ways, and my mother and I got home at 5am. Although it was fun hanging out with everyone, I was SOOO tired! >.<
This week, I started to catch a cold as well. :'( I don't know how I got it, but recently it has been a little chilly in Japan because of the continuous rain for the past two days from a hurricane. Next week, I'll be going around Kyushu, which is an island all the way south of Japan. I'll be going around the island with my mom, mostly for her work as well as sightseeing. I'll be writing all about it when I come back.
Until next time, sayonara~!